Avoid Unnecessary Credit Card Costs
Avoid Unnecessary Credit Card Costs
When you make a credit card purchase outside your own country, whether in store or online, you may be charged a foreign transaction fee of up to 3%. This may be broken out on your card statement, but if not, check with your credit card issuer. There are numerous issuers who don’t charge such fees. Search “Credit Cards with No Foreign Transaction Fee” in your language. Here are a few links in the US, UK, Germany, and France:
Best No Foreign Transaction Fee Credit Cards – USA
Travel Credit Cards with No Foreign Transaction Fee | money.co.uk
No foreign transaction fee ► These Credit Cards in Germany ✔
Cartes de crédit sans frais à l’étranger
When paying by credit card internationally, if you’re offered the possibility of the purchase being booked in your billing currency, I strongly recommend you not take it. In my experience, the exchange rate is usually lousy – and the foreign transaction fee still applies.